Fusion Meetup

Thu 11th March, 2021


Fusion is back for another online instalment!

At Fusion you will hear from awesome individuals about their journey learning new things, in the hope to inspire you to start a journey of your very own, whether that be kicking off a personal project or adding new skills to your tool belt!

We are still running the events online for the time being, but hope to back in person later on this year!

Join us on the evening of Thursday March 11th at 6:30pm! Tell your friends, get a cuppa or cold beverage ready, and settle down for a couple of hours of great talks from some inspiring folks!


Why everyone should be deploying in less than 15 minutes

Profile photo for Charity Majors

Charity Majors


Changing the way we build the web with gRPC and P2P

This talk touches on low-level binary protocols, and goes to implementing a "Server Process" inside a React component. Expect trippy and interactive demos!

Profile photo for Ben Foxall

Ben Foxall


From suicidal to successful tech entrepreneur

Jana tells her story of how and why she created a mental fitness app.

Profile photo for Jana Dowling

Jana Dowling

MY ARKEO (https://www.myarkeo.com)


Fusion is made possible with the help of our awesome sponsors!

Majestic logo



Because everybody loves swag....

We're working on getting some swag packs together for our attendees, so be sure to look out for the link to get yours during the event!

Follow us for updates on our events and workshops!

Twitter - @thefusion_hub

Web - www.thefusionhub.co.uk

LinkedIn - The Fusion Group

See you soon!!